Sunday, November 25, 2007

Busy Thanksgiving weekend

I took full advantage of the 4 day weekend to socialize with new friends, hike with Audrey, and get things done both at work and at home. Thursday I ate two Thanksgiving meals - one with some new faculty friends and the other at the house of the brother of an old friend. I had stayed with his family when I came out here to look for a house early this summer. Their 2 little girls are adorable and after dinner I ended up being a horse and jungle-gym for a few hours. At least I felt less guilty about eating 2 meals after getting that exercise!

Friday I went for a local hike with one of the new faculty members in my department, his wife, and their adorable 1-year old girl. She really likes dogs and had fun playing with Audrey. It felt really nice that they had asked me to be social with them. He is fairly quiet and when he talks he asks very direct questions, so I was not sure how friendly he had wanted to be. We have had some good talks about teaching issues though, and the hike was nice.

Saturday I went wine tasting with another new faculty member - actually in the same department as the wife I had hiked with Friday. The wineries have special hours and offers for Thanksgiving weekend - many had live music. Some had the tasting in the cellars so there was more room for the big event. The crowds really picked up in the later afternoon, including many people who had hired limos to take them around with friends. At least that prevents some drunk driving! Neither her nor I drink much so we did the 2-sips and dump the rest for almost all the wines we tasted - but it was still fun.

This lady is nice, and has a thing for Ann Taylor clothes as I do - I'm sure we'll go shopping together at some point though I really don't need anything and am all shopped out for the moment. She had gone to the outlet stores on Friday and apparently they also get into the after Thanksgiving sales - things were marked down way more than usual but only until 10am. Maybe next year I'll do that. This year I have gifts already from my trip to Cape Town.

This person is interesting - she is from Korea and was a hair away from going to the Olympics on their archery team. She gave me some tips for improving my push ups. Funny thing is she doesn't exercise anymore - and has very little interest in such things. In part I'm sure this is because she hurt her shoulder and has some back pain - but it is a shame. She is going home to Korea this December for the 1st time in 3 years - she is very excited.

We went to 6 wineries and a yummy bistro for lunch. One winery had great local products so I bought some as gifts. Another was located in a gorgeous setting. This pic is a view from it toward another one - I recall thinking this particular view looked like a painting - and that feeling is totally captured in this picture I found online.

I didn't bring my camera, unfortunately, but my friend did. She took the following pic of me indulging in a huge dessert at the bistro (I only managed to eat just less than half!):

She also got the following one of me opening the door at the place that had the wine we both liked the most. Unfortunately we couldn't buy it then - as it was a preview taste for wine that won't be released until spring.

Today I went hiking with Audrey again - this time to the highest peak in the coastal range (only about 4000 ft) which is about a 1/2 hour drive from home. I went there because there was snow - and Audrey loves to play in the snow! Unfortunately they don't maintain the road, so they close it at the snow level. That meant I had to hike up the road before joining trails to the summit. That ended up being good on the way down since it was dusk and getting dark fast. I did see a beautiful sunset over the mountains - unfortunately I forgot my camera again because the view was amazing. I could also see several of the large mountains in the Cascades - including 3 sisters, and I think Mt. Hood. There was another large peak between them I could see clearly as well.

This first pic shows Mary's peak from my valley, and the 2nd shows a view from the top - though it does not do justice to what I saw today...

1 comment:

rr adventurer said...

Sounds like you need to get a cheaper camera and keep it in your car, so you'll have "something" when you're out and about on your amazing excursions.