Saturday, November 3, 2007

Funny things around town

I've mentioned a bit before about what kind of town this is - but it really is something unique. I see something unique nearly every day. I've seen a few different people riding to school on unicycles, and the other day I saw someone riding a bike that had been jacked up so that the height of his seat was higher than the cars. It was at least double the height of a normal bike. I would have liked to see how he gets on and off of it!

Friday I took my dog to the meadows east of my neighborhood for a dusk walk (since I didn't want to head into the woods at dusk). We encountered a lady who was not only walking her dog, but also walking her parrot! The parrot's name was "Socrates" and apparently he doesn't like to come out of the trees to go home until dark, but he always comes down eventually. She was trying to coax him down early...

There are small things here and there around town that remind me that I'm in a very nature-oriented place. one of the funny things that I had noticed and liked even in March when I came here to interview was the signs to the building I work in. They are like signs at state parks, made from carved wood. They are like this kind of sign (except without the lower part that, I believe, shows elevation):

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