Thursday, December 20, 2007

Culture Shock

I don't know if it's the changes I've been going though over the last year, or if it's how quickly I've adjusted to Oregon, but I've felt a huge sense of culture shock since leaving Oregon. There are little things - I've adjusted to quiet, small-town life with no traffic, and friendly people that aren't in a hurry, and nothing being crowded. Chicago seemed like a chaotic zoo to me! (Especially the airport.)

Then there's the materialism. I've done a good job of starting to get rid of excess things and simplify my life. I am amazed by all the gadgets people have! When I was in the airplane and looking at the airmall catalog I saw it with totally new eyes. I couldn't imagine why people would want the things in that catalog - I mean, come on, do you really need a coffee mug that has a clock on the side? What if you go to read the clock and tilt it back for a better view, and spill all your coffee? These two things just do not need to be made into one... And do we really need a separate appliance for all the types of foods that we cook?

Then at the grocery store in North Carolina there was a whole section for cool-aid, when did that become a food group? And who eats those isles and isles of pre-boxed, ready to go meals? I want to go back to my organic food co-op in Oregon!


Anonymous said...

Who eats what Check the American family.

rr adventurer said...

You have your pressure-cooker, I have my crock pot (and you know how I love it!). But, one should only have appliances that they intend to use and do indeed use.

My dream house has much *much* less stuff than this house does.....