Sunday, April 13, 2008

Big day for a little doggie

Yesterday exhausted little Audrey dog - so much to see, do, and so many people to meet!

We started the day with a quiet morning of work, and the little dog had to be patient and wait. Oh how hard it is to wait patently when your two favorite people are around and the sun is out and there are so many things to do! But patient she was....

We decided to walk with Audrey to lunch - but during lunch we had to tie her up in the shade while we ate - she had to sit and watch - and be patient, oh how hard it was! People kept walking by saying "what a cute little doggie... she looks sad!" Oh the poor little doggie...

But then, I bought gelato for all three of us - a cone for me, a cone for my boyfriend, and a whole dish for Audrey. Yep, that's right - she got her own dish of cream flavored gelato. She gobbled it up and was very happy! Those silly people who thought she was being neglected - do they have any idea how spoiled my little dog is??

Then in the evening, we took her over to my boyfriend's dad's house, where she got to play with their dog, and with my boyfriend's little niece and nephew, who promptly took more interest in her than me - and of course learned Audrey's name first. I'm used to that by now, it's ok :)

After an evening of attention and play, we went to visit one more house where Audrey got to explore around and meet someone new. It was a lot of excitement for her. Trying to be good, making friends, exploring new places...

By the time we got home, little Audrey was exhausted - she crashed on the couch, belly exposed, legs in the air, and slept hard. As my boyfriend pointed out, every morning she is like a kid on Christmas morning - each day is new and exciting!

1 comment:

rr adventurer said...

"You know, that person that has Audrey??"

At least there's a 'D' in both your name and Audrey's..

"Oh, Yea, Aunt D!"