Sunday, September 7, 2008

I've conquered my office :) (now for the rest of the to do list...)

I finally managed - after 4 days effort (sometimes only a few hours in each day) to give my office a through organization. I had so many piles that all surfaces were covered and I couldn't find things I needed anymore... this was really needed!! I hope to be able to work a lot more productively tomorrow. (check out Audrey under the desk - she was helping!) Here are before and after pics - though the before is really only about 2 hours before I finished - I had already done a lot of unseen things like cleaned out the filing cabinet, rearranged a lot of the shelves, and dealt with some of the piles - so it had been much worse than this!

Here are my office companions: mouse (white one with orange head), pepper (deep orange one), pebble (light orange one), and quark (black one). Fred (the algea eater) is hiding... too bad, he's gotten really cute this summer. There is a theme to the names: animal, vegetable, mineral and fundamental particle :) (I'm such a geek...)

Earlier today I went up Mary's peak with a friend who decided not to stay here and is taking a job in the mid-west. I'll miss her! It was windy up there and I got a really cute picture of Audrey being blown in the wind - her ears are not up by her own desire - it's all mother nature :)

1 comment:

rr adventurer said...

Hi D. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your office companions! Your before and after photos give me motivation to take before pictures!