Thursday, August 16, 2007

Settling in nicely

Although I am anxious to get to Oregon and start my new job, this week I'm settling in nicely here, and starting to regret that my trip is so short. I've started to get my bearings, and am starting to feel like things are friendly (not just my host, who has been great since the start, especially at making me feel comfortable).

This morning I had my second breakfast in a row with the Irish guy - he turns in his PhD tomorrow, he looked quite relaxed this evening! Amazing that people can actually be ready in advance! This morning I saw the first other female in my part of the dorm - and I sat with her while I ate dinner. Not only is she the first female I've spoken to the in the dorm, but she's the first American I've spoken to since being here. She's a visiting professor from Emory, in religious studies.

She invited me on an outing next Wednesday, but I can't go - because next Wednesday I'm giving TWO seminars! My seminar yesterday went well, apparently, and people want to hear more. My host tells me people have said nice things about it, and that it was very interesting/good. I always second guess whether I have anything important to say - and I came here primarily to learn from people. Now here I am being an "expert" and creating new research with my host.

The department is also getting friendlier, with people who actually choose to sit next to me during tea, and talk to me. I'm normally the only female in the tea room, and often people speak of people/places/research I'm not familiar with (I COULD be, if they wanted to explain the names they're using...) Unfortunately I think one of the people who wants to sit next to me is a grad student who may be a little smitten with me... I look too young!

Today I also took two female grad students to lunch, and we had a nice time. They are in my research area, so I wanted to allow them a chance to discuss their work with me. It was also nice to talk to women for a while - something I've hardly been able to do since I arrived! They were friendly and it was good to be a little relaxed. I teased my host that he couldn't go with us, and he acted sad about it - but the truth (which I told him later) was that one of the women is very shy and I wanted to make sure she was free to tell me about how her work is going. I also learned some from them about how the academic system works here.

The weather today was terrific, and it is supposed to be good tomorrow too. I will try to take a little walk - there is a memorial to Rhodes near campus, as well as a town area I've been meaning to walk to. The trouble is I can only go during the daytime, and I keep working late. I also need to do laundry!

Saturday it looks like I'll finally get to go on a hike. I have my camera batteries recharged and am ready to go!

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