Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More tango

This weekend I went dancing without my boyfriend for the first time since we've been dating. I'm not sure if it was the "no guy in tow" or the really hot new tango shoes I recently bought, but I was very popular. I got non-stop dances for over 2 hours, and I had to stop at that point and call it quits because my feet couldn't take any more. I think my new shoes are formally broken in now.

It's truly amazing how much the quality of the lead matters. I've had a few private lessons in the last month so I've gotten better, but I still haven't learned how to do anything fancy in the dance - just to follow some basic leads and how to carry myself (which I'm sure will be an ongoing thing to work on).

With some leads it was so awkward - it was hard to tell which foot to step on even, and things were getting all confused. With a good lead, however, I was doing flourishes and sweeping the floor with my feet and kicking my leg up and things that I've not even formally learned. It felt amazing. I am glad I had that experience because it motivates me to want to learn more - it makes me re-appreciate why I wanted to learn this dance.

Here is a video showing off the dance:


A student here wants to start a tango club so I may be able to dance in my town more often soon, and get more lessons. If only I can convince my boyfriend to take more lessons without me so he can make more progress... it would be awesome to dance smoothly with him...

1 comment:

rr adventurer said...

Thanks for the post -- it looks like lots of fun!