Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tango weekend

This weekend was one of the biggest argentine tango festivals in the US: valentango, in Portland.


My boyfriend and I spent Saturday at workshops learning from world-class instructors. We at first thought the price was steep for such crowded classes, but we both felt we learned a lot. I also splurged on some hand-made (in Buenos Aires) spike-high-heal tango shoes - I'll have to post a pic at some point.


That night we went out to try our knew knowledge at the grand tango ball. It was a disaster! The floor was super crowded and we could barely keep time with the music. Tango is danced around the floor counter-clock-wise. One song we only managed to get 1/4 of the way around the floor the whole song! Neither of us know enough moves yet to make the most of being stuck in one spot, but at least we gave it a good solid try. There was a live orchestra there, and they had showcase dances from some of the instructors. It was a nice event, even if we have yet to really be able to practice our dancing!

One of the things I find most unique about Oregon is the mix of people/fashions. At the ball there were people in formal gowns, and people in jeans and t-shirts. There were people with posh hair and lots of make up, and organic looking hippie types with pony-tails and no makeup. There were also a handful of guys with bandannas in their hair!

1 comment:

rr adventurer said...

Reminds me of daily drop-off time at our elementary school : parents/grandparents/caregivers drop of children wearing everything from pajamas (no joke!) to sweats to moderate casual to complete professional attire. there is less of a range, however at pick-up: no pajama's then, and rarely any sweats either.