Friday, July 4, 2008

Ahhhh.... SUMMER!

I love unscheduled days. I am currently working from home, on my laptop, out in my hammock, feeling the refreshing breeze and hearing my wind chimes, and seeing my precious dog chew a stick under my feet. The sun comes and goes from the clouds and provides warmth to counter the breeze. A beautiful day, a beautiful view from my hammock, and I don't have to feel guilty because I'm being productive!!

I just bought a new camera - I hope to get back to blogging more regularly, and improving my blog with much needed photos. I have not had a working camera much of this year, so pictures have been sparse...

So much to blog about - my first grad student finishing, getting my first grant, going back to Purdue for a teaching workshop and meeting up with my fun friend I met in Vegas, going home and seeing my precious 3 week old niece, relaxing with family... Then back to Oregon where I've been very social and am very thankful that school is out!!

Many fun things planned this summer - I'll try to keep it posted!

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