Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Poor little Audrey... Lymes again!

I felt Audrey seemed a bit "off" when I returned from visiting family - she seemed a bit lethargic, a bit too cuddly, and had an on and off limp. I at first thought that was just a burr stuck in her foot that had aggravated her, but after I removed it this kept happening. I took her to the vet on Monday and being a concerned mom, had her re-checked for lymes. Turns out it's a good thing I did! It has relapsed...

I think she'll have to repeat a long course of antibiotics. Fortunately the pet sitter I have for during my Africa trip is fine with treating her, and will dote on her a lot. She is such a precious dog - she does not deserve to be sick... I am so glad it has not gotten worse - she is showing no serious signs like throwing up, and is still eating and drinking. She is not as bad as she was in the fall. Then again in the fall I had her at the vet ASAP, and this time I don't know how long she's had it.

Please keep her in your heart!!

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