Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A good day for little doggies... and me!

Despite getting the bad news about the lymes, today was a good day for Audrey! We started the day working sheep - her absolutely favorite activity! At the sheep barn she bathed in a stock tank, and I asked where to buy them and was told "just up the street!" So I went and bought one for Audrey. A 30 gallon stock tank - basically a dog-sized bath tub! When we got home, I filled it with cool water, and we sat outside. I worked on my hammock and she laid in her little pool, happy as a clam! I had bought her a kiddie pool, but that is very shallow and flimsy - this is much better, and also looks nicer on my porch and takes up less space.

In the evening when the weather had cooled a bit more, we walked up the hill behind my house again. I was so proud of myself because in the fall it used to take me 45 mins round trip to go up that hill and back. Today I did it in 25 minutes including the 3 minute rest break at the top, and furthermore I didn't have to stop to rest at all while climbing! I had narrowed it down to one resting spot, but when I got there today, I took a few breaths and thought - I can do this, I can keep going, and sure enough I did! I think I can still shave a few more minutes off... Boy was a sweaty at the top :)

I saw a guy running those trails on my way down - and I thought, wow, I'm envious! Then I saw a guy walking in the neighborhood huffing and puffing on a slight incline, and I thought - it's all relative, I'm doing fine :) I was actually really proud of myself for being able to help a friend move on Sunday and not having any soreness in my arms on Monday. I feel strong! It's a very nice feeling...

1 comment:

Farhat said...

This post got me wondering. Just how happy is a clam?