Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Ok - so I wanted to be here and have sun, and avoid winter oregon rain - but seriously... how could weather.com tell me the highs would be around 80F when they're closer to 100F with the lows near 80!! I thought I was going to have heat stroke yesterday! NO JOKE! I ended up with a horrible heat-induced migrane and could barely stomach supper. I have no A/C in either my office or my dorm room, and it didn't cool down enough the previous two nights, and I woke up roasting at 5am. Safety has been thrown out the window - we're all opening our windows at night, hoping the single security guard nearby is enough to stop any criminals... Otherwise we'd suffocate in our rooms - so what can we do? Even the native Africans are having trouble bearing it. Today the heat seems to have broken, though I suspect it'll come back by late afternoon - at least we had a wonderful cool breeze in the evening and I got a good night sleep. My whole body aches :( I only worked from 9am to 6pm yesterday before heat sickness set in - and I berated myself for not being able to work more at night. I need to be easier on myself... Yes, I'm here to focus, but a 9 hour day in nearly 100 degree weather with no A/C was probably too much... (Photo is of the dorm - luckily I'm on the 2nd floor on the right side of the photo, those on the floor below are forced to keep their windows open in this heat and a robber could just walk right in the window!!)

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