Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cape Point

On Saturday, my friend took me to Cape Point. I was thrilled that the weather had turned better and the sun was peaking out from the clouds. I had not been all the way to Cape Point, though I had been down the cape quite a ways last year - stopping short of going further due to the weather turning windier and cold. The Cape Point park (cape of good hope) encompasses the entire end of the cape past near where the penguins live that I visited last year. There are loads of overlooks, quiet beaches, and amazing views. The drive there is beautiful, too - no matter which side of the cape you drive down. We went down one side and back up the other. We stopped at a nursery with local plants, and for an afternoon snack at a restaurant nestled away from the coast.

On the Cape we saw Ostriches with their babies, and Baboons with their babies. Some of the baboons were trying hard to beg for food from people, and hanging around the parking lot. They had an attendant constantly shooing them away. I don't like to go near monkeys with their babies - so I was glad! My friend said these were quite tame though, and I didn't need to worry. My Indian friends have told me enough horror stories that I don't want to go too near them! One of them was camped out on someone's car - I'm glad we didn't have to contend with that!!

One amazing thing that happened right off the end of the cape was a rainbow that was moving swiftly toward us, at the leading edge of a small localized rain storm. We stayed and watched the rainbow until it became clear we were about to get wet. No pot of gold for us though - had we stayed and gotten wet the rainbow would have come right on top of us!!

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